Monday, June 26, 2023

4 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Get an Air Scrubber Today


4 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Get an Air Scrubber Today

If you own a home, you know you should keep it clean. That might involve scrubbing the toilets or vacuuming the carpets. You can do that, or you can hire a maid service instead.

However, you should also think about your home’s air quality. Indoor air can have one hundred times the pollutants of outdoor air in some cases, and that’s a frightening prospect. If you receive an asthma diagnosis or you have dust allergies, you must clean the air, or you’ll likely cough, sneeze, and wheeze constantly.

That usually means getting an air scrubber. We’ll discuss air scrubbers right now, and we’ll talk about some compelling reasons why you may want to get one.

What Exactly Does the Term “Air Scrubber” Mean?

You buy air scrubbers and use them as part of your HVAC system. Depending on what kind you get, you might set it up and use it in different parts of the house.

Air scrubbers go into your HVAC system’s ductwork in most instances. You can call one an air pollution control device. You will find huge industrial ones in factories, but you can also get smaller ones that companies sell in many stores.

Now, let’s talk about some of the reasons why getting one makes sense.

You Can Combat Health Problems with One

You never know about your home’s air quality unless you test it. You might wake up feeling congested each morning, and you may suspect pollutants in your air. You can’t usually detect them with taste, smell, or your other senses, though.

That’s part of why getting an air scrubber sounds like a smart idea in almost all cases. If you don’t clean your stagnant air and keep breathing in contaminants year after year, you can develop headaches, heart problems, a persistent cough, and various other ailments.

You’ll Have Fewer Allergens in the Home

If you have allergies, you might live with them, but it’s not much fun. You may have dust allergies, mold allergies, or dust mite allergies. You might live with pets, but you have pet dander allergies. If you love your dog or cat enough, you may keep them around, even though their fur makes you ill.

If you get and activate an air scrubber, it gets much of this out of the air. Your pet will always produce more dander, and more allergens will always appear, but if you keep using the air scrubber, you may feel a lot better every day you live inside your home.

You’ll Have Fewer Odors

You may notice no odor when you enter your home. However, you might see that someone wrinkles their nose when they walk in your door for the first time.

They call this scent blindness or nose blindness. You don’t smell the odors in your home because you live with them, but others can smell them the moment they step inside.

You might have pet odors, cooking odors, or dirty sock odors. You may have a veritable potpourri happening. You may smell all that a bit, but it won’t hit you in the face like it does when a guest arrives.

If you buy an air scrubber, you get those odors out of the air. You can always install Glade plug-ins or burn scented candles, but often, that only adds another smell without removing the existing ones.

An air scrubber works much better. If you keep using one, you can feel sure you’ll have a clean-smelling house where odors don’t linger.


You might also know about VOCs, or volatile organic compounds. Air scrubbers combat these as well. They are mostly gases that form in the air over time. Various chemicals produce them, and you can find them in your home.

Some furnishings contain them, and you can also get them from paints, pesticides that get into the house, building materials, and even some cleaning supplies.

You may notice you’re rubbing your eyes a lot or you have some throat irritation. Allergies might cause that, but VOCs may also play a part.

If you operate an air scrubber, you can get rid of all those VOCs as well. You should do that because if you don’t, you can develop eye problems, central nervous system problems, or even kidney or liver damage.

Consider getting an air scrubber. You can get one through an HVAC company most times, or you can at least hire one who will install it for you.

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