Monday, June 27, 2022

Six Tech Essentials All College Students Should Have


Six Tech Essentials All College Students Should Have


With the move to virtual teaching in the past few years, the need for helpful technological devices has grown.  From e-notebooks, to desktops, to portable laptops, many devices and softwares are needed to help organize, study, and prepare for college life.  

Here we are going to have both software systems, apps, and devices that are going to make your college experience much easier and far more fluid.  Are you ready to set yourself up for success?  Then let’s go!

1. Virtual Notebooks

These are lifesavers!  More often than not, your college will probably have an email system that is based off of Microsoft and rarely other email moguls like Yahoo.  The benefit of having an educational Microsoft Account is that you can have access to many of their applications.  One of them is Microsoft OneNote.  

You can have multiple notebooks sorted by topic, day of class, and more.  With this amount of organization it’s hard to lose your notes and, the best part yet, the notebook is connected to your college account.

2. E-notebooks

While these are not as common as using tablets to take notes, E-notebooks are extremely handy when it comes to taking notes and even sharing notes.  Some programs like OneNote require the person you send notes to to have the same program.  This isn’t the case with e-notebooks.  

One of the forerunners in this new tech adventure is remarkable.  They have several features that allow you to download and edit PDFs (great for taking notes on PowerPoints), you can convert your handwriting into documents that are then shared to Google Drive, you can collaborate with others on a single file (as long as everyone is connected to the internet and the file), and so much more.

3. Desktops

Any desktop for a college student may seem to be a bit redundant if you already have a laptop.  The truth of the matter is that laptops have a shorter lifespan than desktops, they are often easier to break, and replacing their parts is far more difficult than replacing parts in a PC unit.  

On top of this, a desktop computer will, generally speaking, have far more storage options and you can also customize your PC unit, your monitor(s), and more.  If you want something that is going to last more than a few years of college, a desktop is definitely the way to go.

4. Laptops or Tablets

Laptops and tablets are, at times, completely interchangeable.  Some laptops have a screen with a floppy keyboard attached, but they work just as well as any full-fledged laptop.  

How do you decide which one you want? 

That answer does come down to preference.  If you are looking for something you can quickly whip out of your bag and immediately start working on, a tablet or laptop/tablet hybrid may be more your style.  If you want something that is going to last a little longer and doesn’t have touchscreen capability, then a laptop is probably more your speed.  

5. Virtual Planners

These. Are. Lifesavers.  Pretty much every smartphone has a calendar, every email account has a calendar, and to be honest, calendars are everywhere!  If your personal assistant on your phone isn’t already taking note of every calendar change, then you probably are.  

This is where virtual planners come in handy. Spend a few hours setting up an entire semester with assignments, reminders, study dates, and even notes of encouragement and you’re done!  Add in anything additional as the semester goes on, and you’re set.  A great application to try is iStudiez Pro or even myHomework.  Both are tailored to the student experience and can really help you make sure you have everything ready to go for the day.

6. Over-Ear Headphones

Most people are going to focus on the trendy in-ear headphones such as iPods or other brands that sit inside of your ear.  While they are handy and sleek, they aren’t as well suited for the shape of your ear or conducive to studying. 

When you need a quiet space, over ear headphones surround your ear, are more often than not calibrated for spatial sound, and they are also going to seal away more ambient noises.  This will make it easier to focus on content that you are studying or make it easier to study music or study sounds to help you focus on your work.


As with everything in life, there are plenty of choices to make for every single piece of tech and software that was described here.  Doing your research on sites such as CNET or NewEgg, are going to really help you narrow down what you want, and more so, what you need as a student.  

Take a moment and really think about your goals.  What do you want your technology to do for you? From there, go through this list and see what is going to help you achieve those goals.  Then, do your research and voila!  You’ve found the perfect tech for your college career.

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